This is a tricky type of clue sometimes called “faux cryptic” because it takes after the style of cryptic crossword clues, in which the wordplay revolves around the letters that make up the words in the clue. The abbreviation “coll.” lets the solver know that the answer will also be an abbreviation.ġ7A. I love a good repeat, where the same clue is used for two entries.
Before we get there, though, let’s take a look at some of the tougher entries. The theme of this puzzle is clever and joyful, and I wanted to savor every moment of unraveling the theme entries. Like the “notoriously fast starter” at 43D, I flew out of the gate on this solve before reminding myself to slow down and smell the roses, so to speak. TUESDAY PUZZLE - Welcome back to the constructor Billy Ouska, who is making his second appearance in the New York Times Crossword with this playful Tuesday puzzle.