Anyways, my stepmom looked at my mom and said, 'you wanna mess with them' so they started dancing with the straight women and they eventually got uncomfortable and left. Honestly, that's a accomplishment, 300 hours geezīelieve it or not, bit this actually happened to my moms, a group of straight woman were there having their bachelorette party, and this was when the gays weren't allowed to get married, and so your like wft get out we don't want you here because that's so blatantly disrespectful. Details My sister is a lesbian and Im gay but our parents are very conservative so she dates my bf & I date her gf so if they stay over they. 50 Super Queer Memes That Will Make Anyone In The LGBT Community Cackle laughs in gay by Sarah Karlan BuzzFeed News Reporter 1. So you guys have Sword and Sheild? I got it for Christmas and I fucking love it, and Yamper is the best 0 votes 0 comments - MY DOG KNOWS THAT IM GAY - Life is too short to re-post stolen memes Now you can create your own even if youre a loser with no.